Tuesday, July 27, 2010

2010 Dangsandong Church Mission Trip

We've met up and been practicing for last few weeks(every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday) for the trip and we have all learned and mastered the worship dance ! We are not really satisfied with the look, so we keep practicing and fixing the gestures little by little so that it'd look better as a whole. Only 4 days left to go onto the trip, so we are pushing ourselves a little bit harsher.

Unfortunately, I couldn't make today's practice(Wednesday, 28th of July, 2010) because I caught the cold :S I lied ill since last night and couldn't really move out of the bed till this morning while I had the practice in the morning :(
I have the last practice on Friday and the team from Korea is coming on Sunday, so I hope I can make the last one.

It's really exciting and I'm looking forward to going on this trip. well, I'm actually somewhat worried because school starts right after this trip and I've got a lot of works to get done :S BUT I will do them. soon enough :P