Saturday, September 18, 2010

School Sports Day

On Thursday(17th of September, 2010), like I wrote earlier, we had an Inter-house sports day at school.

Again like I said earlier, I participated in playing football and basktball: in three football matches and four basketball matches. In fact, my 'secret' goal, even though it was jut a little part, was to win the matches of course and so to contribute something to the Yellow house in placing at the end. HOWEVER, it didn't really work out so well. We didn't win so many games in fact, we have more lost actually :(

NOT because we were 'bad' but we were just a little unlucky :P It's not an excuse, but then the football field was too slippery in the morning due to the dew, I believe. Especially, the field that we were scoring at was in the shade, it was even worse. In basketbal, other houses were lacking of the players that they 'illegally' scouted some good players from other grades. So the Yellow house who played fairly without any violations :P couldn't win as many games as we should. :P:P
The same thing happened in the swimming events, so FINALLY Yellow house came third, out of four houses :P

WELL winning was just a little part of my secret goal, and it didn't really matter if we won or not. It'd have been bettter of course, but it's still ok because I still have achieved my main goal which was to have fun and interact with other people.

It was a challenge for me to play basketball actually, since we had enough football players, but not so many basketball players. In fact, I was the only one who actually plays basketball for leisure or during lunch or my free. So I felt A LOT OF pressure around me to play ball and to cheer up all my memeber players at the same time. They were a little intimidated, I must say, because most of them never played basketball or so. I believe, we still did a great job; no fouls, no violations and no injuries.

It was a fun day, indeed, though a little tiring as well. As the matter of the fact that this would be my LAST sports day in high school ever, it'll be unforgettable.

during the football match, calling out 'foul'(Ayla, Tara, Me and Paul from the left)