Friday, November 26, 2010

Prison Babies

We visited them last Thursday(25th Nov, 2010)
I believe this would be the second last session we would have this year and next week we are planning to visit them again which will be the last session of this semeseter.
We are planning to have a small Christmas party with them since we won't be able to meet up at Christmas since school's going onto the December break. We will bring food and eat them all together :D:D

Though I said this would be the last session of this semester, it's mostly likely the last session forever since all the children's moms are waiting to go to the court to be finalized and sentenced, and after that, will be moved to the Kalutara prison, which would be too far for us to visit or bring children from. This is sad in fact, since I have involved in this project for last three years, almost four by now, and finally all of our Prison Babies members got familiar with the children there.

But seems like it's inevitable. I wish the children will have better care in the Kalutara prison.

Since this 'Prison Babies' will no longer be happening then, I've asked Ms.Shameela, Community & Service coordinator, if we can continue the project but help other children, for example, the orphans at the local orphanage. This has not been quite finalized, but also very possible to happen. I have known one myself where I have been to before(last christmas, see the post entitled 'Christmas Santa') and apparently there are many orphanages around our campus too. I will try my best to continue the project next yaer and onward though it will no longer be calld Prison Babies.