Monday, February 28, 2011

Saturday Football and Basketball

After Trial MOCK exams, I've had a tight-sccheduled weeks that I have not been able to post online.

But I have been continuously involved in the Saturday Football and Basketball every Saturday ever since the last time I posted.

Since the Korean team wants to host a basketball tournament at OSC, we've been working and practicing for the last few months. We played with some players from the OSC team and some people from the American embassy.
We have lost quite a number of Korean players as they graduated and went back to Korea for their universities, we are trying to practice with our young players more now.

After basketball finishes at 4:00 o'clock, I joined the football match happneing same time in the football field. It is mainly for the middle school players, but I still played with them more to help them play better such as to supply the ball by passing it to the forward or defending. I've been coninuously playing football every Saturday too.