We wanted to fundraise for the Prison Babies, so we decided to sell balloon and candy floss at Food and FunFair last Saturday. I, as Bob the balloon man, volunteered to make balloons and sell them. Saba Rewald and Ichiro Dohi were willing to help me. Thank you :) <-- I mentioned both of you, now COOOOoooooool? :)

@ Food & Fun Fair
(you can find Saba and Ichiro in the middle who helped me make&sell balloons)

Our group organised to borrow the candy floss machine and sell them.

Very far... you can find me carrying air-pump and balloons :D

People (at the background) with balloooooons :)
Our initial goal was to raise a reasonable amount of money for Bethlehem Creche, the childcare center we are working with, and we did make around $100. Excluding how much we have to pay for the candy floss machine, we still made some profits :D
Food&FunFair started at 3:00, and before I helped our school badminton team as an 'Assitant coach' :) I helped them warm up, and later they had several matches against the school parents team so I helped them as a refree.
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