- Writing lyrics for the song
This semester, Adrien Raguin and I worked together on a song that he composed. I wrote the lyrics for it, and we recorded the song thinking of performing it to the Wednesday Assembly. Our common initial goal was to get it done and perform it to the schhol assembly. We only managed to achieve half out initial goal; we finished edtiting the lyrics and melody, recording and editing, but we are yet to perform it to the assembly. I've been always fascinated performing on the stage as a vocal and i thought this would be a good chance for me to develop a new skill. Especially, I always enjoyed singing and I have performed several times before. However, this time, I tried something new. Since Adrien composed this song to be Hip Hop, I wrote a rap and I rapped as well. I've been listening to a lot of rap songs quite recently, and this time, I could develop a new skill, rapping. I've been always deeply connected to Hip Hop since I did Beatboxing, but this was something completely new. I believe, though we could not manage to achieve our whole goal, this was a good opportunity for me to do something new. Also recording the song was another good experience :D I hope to perform this next semester, or, at least present our song to people.
- School Band practice
Adrien Raguin, Filippo Stopponi, Camie Raguin and I decided to meet together to practice some songs with purpose of performing them to the Assembly since Mr.Coles, the principal of the secondary school, announced that he'd like to have a lot of performances at the assembly in the beginning of this year. Adrien covered the guitar, Filippo with drum, Camie as a vocal and I played the bass guitar. Our initial goal was to practice and perform it to the school, but we couldn't manage to do them. We had several practices, but we haven't got enough time for enough practice since we all had a lot of works to do, (maybe that's IB). So we couldn't really have a chance to perform it to the school. Though we couldn't perform it this semester, this was a good experience since this was actually the first time I played bass guitar in a band with others. I've been practicing myself and sometimes with my father covering guitar and my brother with drum, but I felt like I don't improve as much. But playing in a band and collaborating with others helped me really improve. This was a risk taking for me as well. I was a little afraid in the beginning since this was the FIRST time I actually played in a band-type. I played drum in the church band and I sang in the church band and the choir, but I never played bass guitar no where. So this was a challenge for me(also the fact that Adrien and Filippo played guitar and drum for more than 10 years while I only started playing bass, it was a lot of pressure on me). I'm hoping to continue with this next semester and hopefully perform it as well !
- English B presentation
Grade 12 English B class was assigned to do a presentation for the book week the school had as I have posted earlier. Ms.Fernando, English A SL teacher, wrote a poem-play script for us to act out, and we were supposed to be graded for our pronounciation. However, since Adrien and I were working on another song, we thought it'd be better if we turn the script into a rap-like song and record it rather than acting out. So I changed the script into a rap while Adrien composed a new melody for the song. It turned out pretty well :D
In fact, this was a big big challenge for me since we've got only a week to work on it and especially for me, since no one didn't know what to do with this song and since I suggested to do a song, I had to do most of the works from teaching them how to read out the song, recording the song, editing the song, filming for the music video, editing the video, uplaoding it on YouTube and so on while I had other big assignments due the same week such as TOK essay first draft and physics test.
Our initial goal was to get it done on time, and present it to the assembly. I believe we achieved the goal fully though we had to postpone it for a week since we had a little technical problem with the projector. My personal aim was to develop another new skill such as teaching others how to rap and editing the song and making music video. This was in fact another good experience, i thought, because, editing the song or making a music video is such things that I can't do every day. Also, the whole class had to meet together to film the video, and I belive we worked together, collaborated really well. All of us were all dedicated to this too !
- Church Musical Drama
At the Korean church, the Teenagers For Christ(TFC) group decided to practice a muscial and perform it. This has been a tradition to prepare for something and perform it; it's been usually choir performance or a worship dance(which is basically a dance to the Conventional Chritian Music(CCM)). But we thought we'd try something new this year, and we decided to do a musical.
I was first signed up for a backstage though I really wanted to act on the stage. (I had a lot of works to do from school during that time, that I couldn't really come for the practice that I had to help them backstage) but the chorus group and the back-dancer group needed more help that I changed to the chorus & dancing group. So basically I helped all the TFCs and taught them a worship dance. They listened to me really well and learnt quite quickly, so I had no problem at all :D
Unfortunately I couldn't come and watch the final musical performance, but I heard it went well.
- Saturday Basketball and football
Every Saturday, I went to school to play basketball. I always played on Sunday last year, however, as I moved my house close by the school, it became difficult for me to go all the way down town just to play basketball. Fortunately, all the Koreans and our school parents started playing basketball every Saturday in school, I joined the Saturday basketball.
I kept my goal the same as last year: to improve my personal skills in the team and to keep me fit. I believee I did pretty well on achievement of this goal. I personally think I improved(I was chosen for the school basketball team too ! though I had to yield my place to someone else since I couldn't be travelling for the SAISA).
Always, basketball ended earlier than Saturday football which also took place at the same time on Saturday. My brother played football, so I had to wait for him once I was done with my basketball. Then I thought I'd join the football as well. As I started playing football, I set the goal to improve my personal skills in football as well, since it is another my favorite sports. I believe I also did quite well in improving my skills. I played for OSC team against Colombo Lions and also I played a few matches for the OSC SAISA boys' football team. Again, I can't be travelling, so I'm not officially in the team. But I will still play with them.
- Afterschool school activity
Not only the Saturday football, I thought it would be much better to enroll in the Friday afterschool activity; in fact, the Saturday football was mainly for the middle school-ers, so there was a limitation for me to develop my skills. So I joined the Friday afterschool activity to play with players at my age. It was in fact more like a pre-practice for the SAISA boys football practice, since everyone who did the afterschool activiy also tried out for SAISA.
I showed up for every and single practices, and I believe I did develop my skills :D
- School Sports Gala
We had a school sports Gala the other day, and I, as a member of the Yellow house and a senior, tried to participate in all activities as possible. I played football and basketball mainly. Of course, our main goal was to win the tournament and more than just winning, to enjoy the tournament itself too. I believe we did well overall, though we came in 3rd place at the end. I personally interacted with everyone possible, not only within the yellow house, but also with inter-house members. I belive sports always bring people together much closely :)
- SAISA Boys' Basketball
As I mentioned above, I tried out for the school basketball team. My initial goal would have been to make the team normally, but this time, I knew I couldn't be travelling due to a lot of other works to do, I have set my goal to help others, especially the younger students, and encourage them.
The coach did not know that I was not able to travel and put me in the team, but after I told him so, he put the younger players instead of me, as I suggested. So I believe I attained my goal really well.
Our boys came in 5th overall in the final tournament out of 8 schools, and I'm proud of them :)
- SAISA Boys' Football
I also tried out for boys' football, and again, I can't be travelling so my goal is to encourage the younger players again. I played for the team for two matches so far, and I believe I did a good job helping the younger players.
The season is still on-going, but I believe our boys will do well in the final tournament !
- 2010 Dangsandong Church Mission Trip
I, as a senior of the TFC group at the Korean church, knew it is my last year servig as a teenager for the church. Traditionally, during August, a group of people from Korea comes to Sri Lanka to do services at the rural areas.
I have participated in this mission trip the year before, but not been able to do so last year. Knowing this is my last year here in Sri Lanka, I joined them again this year.
We travelled around the rural areas in Sri Lanka and this time, we travelled further north where we were not allowed to go before due to the civil war. As we have prepared and organised for the last month, we performed two worship dances and played a lot of activities to teach and learn about the words of God with the children at the local churches.
Our general goal was to preach the words and spread the love in the name of Christ and I've set my personal goal to do my best doing as many services or works I could do to help this group and the children. I believe I have achieved the goal sucessfully with no regret left as well as the common goal we have set together.
- Prison Babies
As a leader, I have been actively involved in the community service project, Prison Babies again as my forth year. Thanks to the new head of the prison, we could have a lot of opportunities to spend time with the children and we did so.
We have succeeded attracting more children from the prison; I personally believe we have touched and moved the mothers' minds to decide to send their kids :D
Our initial goal was to do as many activities with the children and introduce new environments to them to brighten their lives. I believe we as a group did a great job this semester. I personally set a goal in the beginning of this semester as I have posted earlier, which was, as a leader, to organise the meaningful-high-quality-activities more to do with the children and have our students who are involved in this project get together to perform as a whole. I believe I was lucky that I had a group of nice people; they listened to me very well though for most time my performance was poor, so I have attained my goal.
Unfortunately, 'Prison Babies' we have known for last four years and been working together with are all moved to another prison in Kalutara, so officially this semester was the last session with them. But I thought though we won't be able to continue the project with the same children, the project itself should be preserved since I found a lot of orphanages and places where they may need some helps; I myself have been to several local orphanges and the condition there was poor and harmful for the children where help seemed to be needed. So I have spoken to the MYP CS coordinator, Ms.Shameela, about this and we will be continuing or rather starting 'Prison Babies' at a new place with new children.
- Math Tutoring
I have started tutoring two Korean 9th graders in math as they asked me for help. They seemed to be struggling with following the class as they are struggling with English. So I helped them understand the concepts by explaining them in Korean which they felt more comfortable with.
I have set a goal as I started tutoring them as it's stated in my older post, which was to help them understand, hence they don't strugle in class any longer and improve in grades as well. My other goal was also to improve in my skills in teaching in general and explaining terms. Last year, I also tutored a student who's currently in 10th grade and was in 9th grade back then, and I found it difficult to explain some terminologies in an easy way.
It seemed that I have achieved my goal almost perfectly. I started tutoring them in the beginning of the year during the summer holidays, and they said and proved that they did understand well and improved in their grades.
I believe I have covered all 8 criteria of CAS which are:
Increased the awareness of my own strengths and areas for growth - e.g. I have found myself enjoy a lot doing activities involving music, math and sports. Not only just enjoying them, I also felt confident doing those activities. As I did more, I also improved and thought they can be my strengths.
Undertaken new challenges - as stated earlier, I pushed myself to get involved in as many activites as possible though I felt necessity of put more focus on academics. Participating in the Track meet or writing lyrics for a song was something new that I have never done before, and they were challenges for me. Also, in the beginning, I felt less confident in speaking English and I found being social with other students difficult, but I challenged them by getting involved in such activities.
Planned and initiated activities - also as shown in the performance of leadership in Prison Babies, I have started and organised many activities. Math tutoring, though I was asked to do, I have started the activities and carried out myself. Later, I continued tutoring other students as well.
Worked collaboratively with others - I believe this aspect has been observed well especially while getting involved in any sports like football, basketball or even during the school sports gala. Especially as a co-captain of the Track team, I had to work together with the younger groups of athletes too.
Shown perseverance and commitment in their activities - I have continued getting involved in Prison Babies for the last four year. I have shown my commitment to other activities such as afterschool football activity by showing up for every sessions.
Engaged with issues of global importance - I believe the community service project, Prison Babies, could be acknowledged in global scale and does have a global importance as there are children around the world who have similar problems as the children in Sri Lanka. Also, I believe these children are Sri Lanka's and our future. I have been involved in MUN as well to deal with global issues. As stated earlier, the main focus was on the Human Trafficking, which surely has global improtance.
Considered the ethical implications of their actions - all services that I have been involved have certain ethical implications. For example, Prison Babies showed our ethical responsibility to acknowledge the problems in our society and take care of them. Math tutoring as well shows some ethical implication too; the students looked for the tutors and asked me how much they should pay for the tuition. I believe, being as a older student from the same school community, it is our responsibility or ethically right to help them when they need them.
Developed new skills - this aspect was also found easily in the sports I was involved in; I improved my old skills and further developed a lot of new skills. Also, while tutoring the younger graders, I learned a lot such as to teach and explain better. I genuinely developed new skills too. For example, I have learnt how to play bass or write lyrics, which were completely something new.
Monday, December 13, 2010
End of the Semester Reflection
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 11:34 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Saturday Basketball
Friday afterschool and Saturday morning, others had the SAISA boys' football practice, but I had to give TOEFL test on Saturday, I couldn't go for those practices. The test was from 8:00AM to 1:00 PM so basically I missed them unfortunately.
BUT after the test, with little bit of freedom-feeling, I went for the basketball. Surprisingly, there were A LOT OF Koreans who came this Saturday(11th Dec, 2010) and a lot of Chineses too though we didn't play together!
So we played 5:5 full court matches, full court after a loooong time :D
It was refreshing !
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 7:16 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
SAISA Boy's football 2010
I have decided to try out for SAISA Boys' football this year. I can't travel again, but I will come for the practices like I did for Boys' basketball. By doing so I thought I could improve my skills and collaboration with others as one team.
We had two practices so far, Tuesday afterschool and Wednesday afterschool(7th and 8th of December, 2010). I forgot my gears so I couldn't participate in the first practice, but I did for Wednesday.
Since we've only got 6 weeks for training, we've got to hurry up a little. We started building fitness along with improving individual skills and as a whole. We are planning to have as many matches as possible so that we can learn best from the practical situations.
We are hoping to arrange a match against CIS this Friday afterschool. But since have to give TOEFL(Test Of English Foreign Language) I may not be able to play.
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 7:30 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 6, 2010
English B project
As I have posted earlier, our English B class changed the poem that Ms.Fernando wrote for us to act out at the Wednesday assembly into a rap to record.
The music video we made was meant to be presented at the assembly last week, but we had a small technical problem that we had to delay.
We are going to present it this week though and I have uploaded it to YouTube as well :D
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 11:44 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Saturday Basketball
I had to give in the SAT 2 in the morning while from Friday, SAISA girls' football tournament is happening. So I was planning either to play basketball or cheer for the girls in the afternoon. However, due to the Monsoon heavy rain in the afternoon, all the matches were cancelled which narrowed down the options for me.
All the girls had to stay in th gym and watch the rain hoping it would stop soon and so it was all crowded in the gym which made a little hard for us to play basketball. Because of that rain, in fact, not many Koreans have come to play :S
So officially both were cancelled which left me no choices but to go back home.
Still OSC girls have won the three matches so far, no lost ! and made to the Semi-final. That made my day :D
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 6:45 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
English B presentation on the bookweek
Grade 12 English B class which I also belong to was assigned to do a presentation on promoting the bookweek which we are currently having in our school. So basically shcool's encouraging students to read more books.
Ms.Fernando, IB English A SL teacher, wrote a play script which is at the same time meant to be a poem. Then our class, Adrien, Devansh, Keiko and I decided to turn it into a rap and record it rather than acting out on the stage on Wednesday.
So Adrien composed the background instrumental and I changed the script into a rap.
We have been practicing this song for last week during every English class and free periods; we even came to school on Saturday to work on this.
and finally we finished recording and filming to make a music video-like short clip. I have finally edited the video and had it ready for presenting it to the assembly on Wednesday.
I will soon upload the video on YouTube and have the link on my post :D
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 10:15 AM 0 comments
I tried to organise a basketball match between the Korean team and OSC boys basketball team, but Mr.Shipley, the PE teacher, had already made an appointment with the Amal International school's boys basketball team, we couldn't avoid cancelling the match.
Boys are soon leaving, so it seems to be not quite possible to have a match before they go on to the SAISA trip. Though hopefully we can have a match even after the boys basketball season.
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 10:12 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Saturday Basketball
I came to play basketball with enthusiasm and excitement that there would be a lot of players after a long time; I expected ALL the Koreans would come. Maybe, my expectation was too high.
Only four including me showed up. Unfortunately, many of the students who go to Moir Elizabeth school couldn't come because they have exams coming up right next week.
We still played several 2:2 matches mixing teams again and again. It was still fun.
I was going to ask them to come for Tuesday since I was going to organise a game between the Koreans and the OSC Boys basketball team since Mr.Snyder, the coach asked me to earlier. But not many showed up today, I will have to ask them at church on Sunday.
Any students from Moir Elizabeth school will not be able to show up, we still have enough people to have a match. I'm looking forward to playing them :D:D
Unfortunately again, today there was no football session since they had the same problm with the basketball-ers. Around 5 people showed up. This was because they were supposed to have a match against the OSC girls football team, but then, due to rain, the condition of the field was so bad that they could barely play a match. Then in the afternoon, sun shone on brightly and the condition got better. BUT everyone seemed to have thought that the field would sill be as bad as in the morning, that they decided not to show up.
So I couldn't play football today at all, but hopefully, I can play BOTH basketball and football PROPERLY :D
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 6:35 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 26, 2010
Prison Babies
We visited them last Thursday(25th Nov, 2010)
I believe this would be the second last session we would have this year and next week we are planning to visit them again which will be the last session of this semeseter.
We are planning to have a small Christmas party with them since we won't be able to meet up at Christmas since school's going onto the December break. We will bring food and eat them all together :D:D
Though I said this would be the last session of this semester, it's mostly likely the last session forever since all the children's moms are waiting to go to the court to be finalized and sentenced, and after that, will be moved to the Kalutara prison, which would be too far for us to visit or bring children from. This is sad in fact, since I have involved in this project for last three years, almost four by now, and finally all of our Prison Babies members got familiar with the children there.
But seems like it's inevitable. I wish the children will have better care in the Kalutara prison.
Since this 'Prison Babies' will no longer be happening then, I've asked Ms.Shameela, Community & Service coordinator, if we can continue the project but help other children, for example, the orphans at the local orphanage. This has not been quite finalized, but also very possible to happen. I have known one myself where I have been to before(last christmas, see the post entitled 'Christmas Santa') and apparently there are many orphanages around our campus too. I will try my best to continue the project next yaer and onward though it will no longer be calld Prison Babies.
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 6:26 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Prison Babies
After two weeks, we finally met together again !
We had the children came to our campus and we played with them at the primary playground. This was the first time with the new children in fact. Almost all the old children who have been coming were moved to the Kalutara prison, only the new children left.
I thought they might not feel very comfortable with new faces and environment, and so start crying. But then, no one cried this time ! In fact we got along pretty well. They all seemed to enjoy playing with us, which is a good sign !
I could manage to take some photos of them and us too :D
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 2:46 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 15, 2010
Church Musical, GodSpell
Like I have posted earlier, I was involved in the church musical, GodSpell, organised by the Korean church Teenager For Christ group. It was performed on the last Saturday(13th of November, 2010).
I was initially involved in the Stagecraft and stage managing, but since there was a plenty of people who were doing the stagecraft, I shifted to the dancing as the dancing crew asked me to help them teach the worship dance(see the earlier post). So I have helped all the actors and the backdancers learn the dance. (Since this was a musical, dancing and singing took the crucial part ;) )
After they have learned all the dance, in fact, I had nothing left to do but pray for them wishing they will do well on the performing day except I still needed to help some of the youngr students who couldn't manage to learn the dance completely.
I wanted to and I was going to go help the stagecraft and the final rehearsal, but unfortunately, I had this dinner planned with my parents' friends, that I couldn't even go watch the play :(
BUT I heard the musical went really well. Everyone did an amazing job and a lot of people came too ! This is really sad that this would be my last year since I'm going to graduate from school and TFC group this year, and it is regretful that I couldn't come watch the play. I hope this will remain as a tradition since this would be a good chance for everyone, so that TFC does something similiar next year onwards, and so learn themselves and spread the words of God in Sri Lanka.
Here are some pictures from the musical, ( Pictures taken by Eunice Haejin Lee, from her Facebook)
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 4:41 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Saturday Basketball
Fortunately, rain has stopped on Thursday afternoon and never started again till Saturday unlike the weather forecast announced, I could come for Basketball on Saturday.
BUT rain was not the problem this time. Only five including me showed up this time and they were all Koreans. Since our school basketball team is currently participating in the Inter-International school basketball tournament within Sri Lanka, none of them showed up. Koreans were always the majority of whom came for the basketball, but since the musical performance was on the same day, Saturday(13th of November, 2010) not many of them didn't come. Actually, since most of the Koreans including me were involved in this church musical, they haven't been coming for last several weeks, but me. So many of those Sri Lankan students from other schools stopped coming too, probably losing interests since the match were not so dynamic as before.
So anyway in conclusion, only five of us showed up, but we still played though we could only play till 4:30 since 4 of them had to go for the Chrch musical since it was meant to start at 5:30. Unfortunately, I had to go for a dinner with my parent's friends, I couldn't go watch the musical.
Since this musical will be done after Saturday, form next week, it's for sure that all Koreans will show up for the Saturday basketball. and I'm looking forward to playing with them again :D
After that, as usual, I went out to the field and got myself ready to play football. I could find some of the 11th graders, Karl and Bharat, came to play too. We splitted ourselves into two groups and played a match. IT was fun :D
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 2:19 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 12, 2010
Prison Babies(Canceled)
It has rained cats and dogs in Sri Lanka on Thursday; all the lakes and rivers were overflown, and due to heavy rain itself, many of the houses and roads were sunk into the water.
Since many roads were flooded and underwater, not even half of the students came on Thursday in fact. It was even hard to have classes that day since we were missing some of our teachers too.
Because of the heaviest rain after 80 years in Sri Lanka, all the community service projects including Prison Babies were cancelled. We were informed even earlier that the children wouldn't be coming on Thursday anyway, so we planned on working on our CAS blogs and planning for next session. But we couldn't meet up and do so.
We will probably meet up sooner day and organise something for the children.
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 2:14 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Football Match Against Colombo Lions
As I have posted earlier, OSC had a football match against Colombo Lions. Colombo Lions, from the official record :P, has been a strong team for past few years. OSC SAISA boys football team always had several matches with them for practice before they went on the actualy SAISA tournament, and OSC found hard times playing them.
Colombo Lions is a regular team who meets up every week and practice for real matches. So they knew what is going on on the field, who would be in front of the goal by certain time, or how to handle the game by their pace.
WELL, it's not an excuse. I admit we lost at the end. 6:0 final score. Though I don't think it was bad since we haven't played together properly. This was meant to be a tryout. From this match, we now know which position we can perform best at or other tactics we can use for the upcoming SAISA boys football season.
We enjoyed the game. Actually this was a good proper football exercise for me after a long time. Though I play with the midyear players every Saturday, it's not really me playing; it's rather I help them play by passing the ball to them or making some chances for the little kids to score. So it has never been a proper exercise for me. But I seriously think I have improved from playing with the little players, I feel a little shame :P but it's still a good thing. Since little players tend to come rush to me when I have the ball, I need to be really in control with the ball and need to have an wide sight so that I can pass the ball to some other player from my own team. By doing so, I improved in my controlling the ball and passing.
Mr.Campbell, Primary principal of our school and the football team coach at the same time, told us that he can tell Mr.Shipley, PE teacher, to organise more games with Colombo Lions later on, so that we can play better. Looking forward to playing with them again !
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 5:50 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Saturday Basketball
I came to play basketball on Saturday(6th November, 2010), and all I could find was two of my Korean friends, Chrishni from 11th grade practicing herself and Mark who also always comes for the games every week. No one else showed up. This seemed to be because, there was a match between our school basketball team and Lyceum International school team in the morning on the same day. So everyone who played must have been really tired from the match they had, so didn't come for the match in the afternoon :(
We still played, 2 vs. 2, since Chrishni soon left after practicing some shots and layups. First, it was me and Mark verses the other two Koreans. We won :D Then, we switched the team for another game, it was me and one the Koreans, Ju Yong, vs. Mark and B.C. Shin. Well, this time, they won :P
We only played for about an hour, but it was still a fun game. Since we had to leave the gym by 4, we dismissed ourselves.
Right after, as usual, I equiped myself with the footbal gears to kick some balls :P They are having a football tournament tomorrow(Sunday, from 8 AM to 2:30 PM) so they were having the last practice matches. Unfortunately, I cannot come for the tournament since I have to go to church in the morning. The adults who were coaching the team were telling me to join later in the afternoon, but I can't come for the afternoon either since I have another football match promised from 3:30 PM onward between OSC SAISA boys football team and Colombo Lions. Of course, I will play for OSC, though I wasn't in the team.
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 5:40 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Prison Babies
This time, we could visit them after a long long time though we failed to go visit the prison last week due to the heavy traffic jam.
But, we had some bad news at the prison :( Many of the children were moved to other prison in Kalutara which was suppossed to happen in the beginning of this year, but postponed till now. We thought they would not be moved, but in fact, it was only delayed for a while. So we had only few children left, and also the fact that many of them don't come to our school since their moms don't allow them to go. So many of them were just completely new faces to all of our group. Though we could get along with each other pretty well soon.
In fact we had another bad news. Since they are moved to another prison and recently there have been a lot of helps and aids from other service projects like Hope for kids, we may stop coming to prison and stop this project.
IT's not for sure yet !
But, it seems like it's happening for 60%-like sure, which is sad since I have been involoved in this project since 9th grade.
I thought we should continue the project though maybe in different form/name. I suggested the teachers to go to the orphanage that I have been to. As I have posted earlier, my friends have been visiting this orphanage to help and play with the children there, I have once been there too(see the post entitled 'Christmas Santa').
The orphans there do need a lot of helps and cares. When I visited them, they were literally living in the dusty room which is not a good environment for the little children to be raised at. They needed the proper bed for the children, at least the mattresses since what they currently have are too old that they were all worn out.
So I thought it'd be good if we can go help this orphanage keeping this service project alive. I have to talk to the coordinator of the Community & Service, Ms.Shameela, and see what we can do.
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 4:32 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
saba is awesome, but this is about Church Musical
As I have posted earlier, I am involoved in the Church musical. I was SUPPOSED to do the stage design and props, but there was a group of people who are in charge of singing and dancing needed my help immediately :D with dance :P
In 2007, I went on the Church mission trip like the one I did last summer, and like I had to do a worship dance as a performance, I had done a different one two years ago. Since this group decided to do the same dance for the musical, I have helped everyone learn the dance.
It's the same dance that was on the movie, Sister Act 2, to a song, Joyful Joyful.
Last Sunday, after the youth service, I worked on this for around 2-3 hours. Everyone could learn it pretty quickly. The day is coming up soon, I wish this is going to go really well :D
This is the dance we are going to be doing :D
original from Sister Act 2
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 12:33 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Saturday Basketball
We havn't played baskteball during the October break, but today we did after so long.
Since this was the first practice after break, not many people showed up today. In fact, our OSC basketball team for SAISA had the practice in the morning, and so none of them showed up. All players were basically from other international schools.
We had a match though. First, we played the full-court; 4:4. But we soon got tired, so we decided to play half-court. Since MrGresham who was meant to be in charge of the Saturday basketball session hasn't showed up, Mr.Shipley put me in charge since I was the only one who was from OSC. All I I had to do was to make sure that we finish at 4 and bring back the balls that we used.
and I did my job :D
It actually finished 4:05 PM, and unlike the other days, no one seemed to play more since there were not many players, and so not much fun. Everyone left, and I had to wait for my brother who's playing football every Saturday.
I joined them like always :D Apparently, they were organising a fund raise for the local children to play football and as one project, they are having a tournament next week. So basically, today's practice was to prepare for the tournament coming up next week.
I played in the small pitch, and then we all moved on the full-pitch game. We played and finished at 5-6 PM. The adults who are organising this football practice every Saturday and in a good relationship with me for last months :P seemed to expect me to show up next week too, but I'm not quite sure yet since I was the only big boy(or a senior). I thought I would rather let the little players to play instead of me.
If they are lacking of the players, that's a different story :P so I will see if I will play or not next week :D
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 8:49 AM 0 comments
Math Tutoring 2010
So we had the first class since school started again from the October break. They have done their homeworks :D and they told me that math class these days are way too easy for them to bear :P That just made me feel proud tutoring them
With more enthusiasm, we moved on to the next chapter, solution to the quadratic equations. I explained how to do them first, but then they seemed to be confused. This is because, I believe, they haven't done many practices on factorising, whcih I JUST gave them to do by next class as a homework. So I had to explain the basics again. Though they understood finally.
Since they seemed to have more practices, I made them do the questions for half an hour till we finished. While they were working on the questions, I marked their homeworks. WELL, I see a lot of mistakes though I figured out that they had a misunderstanding in the beginning while they now understood. SO I marked them all and made them do the corrections for the next class.
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 8:38 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Math Tutoring 2010
Factorising can be hard without having a good foundation on expansion. So I told them to work hard on expanding first, and then try questions on factorisation. They understood the basic concepts though and they could do some questions that I gave them to try.
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 2:43 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Math Tutoring 2010
We started on another chapter, simple equation solving, though I have briefly explained the concepts earlier. In fact, since I introduced the concepts earlier, it was easier to go on. They felt much easy understanding them :D So we could finish the chapter by the end of the class :D
I gave them a lot of.. I mean just a little bit of homeworks to do :D This is in fact necessary evil. Otherwise, we won't have much time to finish the year 9 math.
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 10:40 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Math Tutoring 2010
My father has got the math textbook from Korea as he visited us, so with the book, we did them together. We briefly went over the chapter that I have explained last class(yesterday).
I could see they didn't understand some parts as we went through, so I explained them again. They understood perfectly now ! :D
So, I had them do the questions on the book while I checked their homeworks. They did their homework ! which was good. They didn't get them all right, which was sad, but I believe they can do them correctly by now :D
I told them to try the questions again by next class which would be on Thursday as they wanted a day off tomorrow for school homework and some rest :D
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 9:14 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 18, 2010
Math Tutoring 2010
I'm not sure if I helped him understand better the concepts he was doing in his class or made him a little more interested in the subject itself; he didn't seem that he enjoyed doing math. But one thing that is sure that I did learn a lot and improve in my teaching skills.
While I was teaching him, I tried my best to explain the concepts as easy as possible, in fact in the EASIEST way. I thought, only from time to time, he may not necessarily be the 'mathematical' person. It was a little frustrating to teach him because he didn't show any enthusiasm or at least make his mind that he'd try. Sometimes, I even thought that, only in the beginning of the year,
'how can he not understand that..? is he really... that stupid...? It IS something to be shamed of...'
It's mean, I know that, but it's just to show how I was frustrated.
He did improve though; slightly, but gradually. So I was happy.
BUT, I realised that there is someone very similar to him around me, my own yougher brother, Young Seok SONG. He's in 9th grade now, like Alex last year. He was frustrated and losing the interest in math, which I felt it was sad because math is MY favorite subject and I thought my brother would find it fun too if he understands better. For him, language was the problem; he has spoken English only for last three year, and never spoken before.
I had a good foundation in math because I have learned them in Korean first and done them in Korea before. But, in my brother's case, he has never done them, so everything he's learning these days is all new to him. The problem is that he doesn't understand the new concepts fully because he doesn't understand the language fully.
I thought I will have to take care of my brother and help him myself. I knew that he wouldn't do it alone, so his friend, Han Wool KIM, who also felt the necessity of help, joined.
Today, (18th October, 2010. Monday) we had the first class at my house since school's having an October break. They told me that they have done finding the surface area and volume and just started the simple expansion of the equation.
Foundation is always the first thing to go through, I thouhgt, so we went over the chapters again. (HA! They still made some silly mistakes which suggests they did not understand the concept well, and so I explaind the concepts again) Then, I re-introduced how to expand the equation by many examples. I could see they felt much easier to aske me questions in Korean because they could tell what exactly they don't understand ! It seems to be working.
After 2-hour-long class, they were so happy (:P maybe not) to have some homeworks to do for next class, probably tomorrow :D:D so I gave them just a page of homework. :D
I wish they will find the subject interesting like I do by the time I finish with them for extra help :D
homework ! How fun !
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 1:11 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Saturday Basketball
I've been playing basketball every Saturday for last few months like I have recorded on my blog earlier. Today(16th October, 2010. Saturday), the school gym was not opened since we went on the October break since yesterday :D
Instead, I played Saturday football with the younger students from our school and from other international schools. While I was playing basketball, my brother has been playing football with them. I also played for a bit from time to time aftre I was done with basketball. Today, I, from the beginning, I warmed up together, practiced together and played a match together.
Today, many 11th graders from our school have come too, and so the match was much challenging and fun :D I brought my camera with me, but then couldn't really take any photos since I was too busy playing football. (I completely forgot about it, in fact.) I will probably take photos next time, since my blog is looking a little boring now without any photos.
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 7:07 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Prison Babies(Canceled)
Today, 14th of October, Prison Babies got canceled in the last minute again. Today's session was the last one before going into the October break, but the children couldn't come :(
This happens quite often; the local teacher doesn't show up or many of the children get sick that they cannot come from time to time.
Tommorow we will be celebrating UN day and finish the intermid term going into one week long October break. So hopefully, the first week we come back from the break, we can bring the children to school so that we can do the activities with them.
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 8:32 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Church Musical
Every year, at the Korean Church, we, TFC(Teenagers For Christ), have one special night for the younger students and for ourselves to get to know more about God and also to prach His words to the non-believers amongst Korean society. We have organised a worship dance, short skit and one choir performance till last year, but we thought it'd be better if we try something new this year.
And, we came to the conclusion, let's do the musical drama.
Literally, we are planning to organise a 1 hour or so-long musical drama. We have already had the audition for the casting and assigned people to do stage set, costume, props, sounds and lighting, and chorus and dance.
I, being the senior, knew this'd be the last year I'd be participating, and so decided to get involved in it. I knew I may not have much time to prepare or for this due to a loads of homeworks and deadlines at school, so I hesitated a little. But I know we are doing this for good and also, by doing so, I can help younger students get familiar and closer to God even more.
So I signed up for the stage set. I have been involved in the previous school productions several times; once as a backstage and as an actor(even though it was a minute part of the play) (two years before), once as a costume manager(the year before), and as a video filmer(this year). I will make a full use of my old experience to help out this. Like I said, I signed up for stage, but I will be probably helping with the actors, especially with singings, and also with the costume and the sound&lighting tech.
I was once in the Church band; once as a drummer, later as a chorus singer and once as a lead singer. But as I turned into 11th grade, I dropped off everything just to concentrate on studying. I regret it now; time did not wait for me. It's already my last year at TFC, the church service for the youth. I haven't noticed it till last week.
So I want to get involved more actively and passionately for the last time as a teenager.
We will have the first meeting next Saturday and I'm really looking forward to it !
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 2:34 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 9, 2010
SAISA Boys' Basketball 2011
On Friday afterschool(8th Oct, 2010), we had the last practice before the first and the final cut for the team to travel to Chennai to participate in the SAISA tournament. It was pretty tough since it was the last practice before the cut.
I was chosen for the team; the coach didn't know I could not travel that he put me in the team. It was really sad that I can't travel, but I had to tell him that I'm not travelling and so cannot be in the team. He was indeed surprised and seemed a little frustrated. But soon he said if that's the case, it'd be better for younger players to practice and so get better. And so put someone else in the team.
I regretted a little that I didn't try out for the team last year. I was afraid sinc IB just started last year, and now I'm still afraid because it's the last year of IB. I couldn't be the risk taker this time.
But instead, I promised the coach to come and practice with the team every saturday like I have planned before. Every Saturday, many of Korean players from the Korean Church Basketball team where I play for fun as well come to play at OSC. So, to get more practice for OSC team, I will help organise more games with the Koreans and play with them. Hopefully this will work fairly well.
On Saturday (9th Oct, 2010) I had to sit for SAT exam from 7:00 AM through 1:00PM while the practice still took place between 10:30-12:30. So I couldn't come for this Saturday, but I will definitely come for next week!
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 9:57 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
SAISA Boys' Basketball 2011
We had the first morning practice today(Wednesday, 6th Oct 2010).
We had a good warm up and then started working on the individual skills; all the posts together on one side of the court and all the guards on the other side of the court. Since I was with other guards, I'm not quite sure what the posts did.
On our side, we worked on our three-point shooting and dribbling. Then we worked on our fundamental again, physical fitness. A lot of push-ups, lunges, sit-ups, sprintings, and so on.
My whole body is sour now, but it was good refreshing session. Now one last practice before the first cut is left. A lot of tensions, I could feel.
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 6:19 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
SAISA Boys' Basketball 2011
I have decided to sign up for the SAISA Boys' Basketball team this year even though I may not be traveling with the team. I thought it'd be good to come for the practices and practice and play games with them to improve my own skills as well as to help our Gecko team.
Even though basketball has been my favorite sports all time, I could never play in the school team for several reasons. First year at OSC, being only 9th grader tried out for the team, I wasn't good enough, I must say. All the other players were, in fact, way better than me in fitness, physical, and skills, and the team came in the second place in the SAISA tournament. Then the second year, I had more chances to make in the team, but I had a serious injury on my ankle right after the first practice, as I remember correctly; I couldn't walk even properly. Last year, I could or should have made the team ONLY IF I tried out for the team. But I didn't. In fact, I was little scared and freaking out about 'IB started!' so I couldn't really make my mind. I regret it now though. In fact, I think I always had excuses for not making the team or not trying out for the team. Then I thought back to the good old days when I learned all about AOIs and being a risk taker in IB MYP(Middle Year Programme) and thought I should be the one who takes the risk.
In fact, I've got a lot of works to get done, a lot of deadlines for big big assignments like Extended Essay, Geography Internal Assessment, and TOK Essay. It may not be the best time to spend my hours playing basketball. I maybe should be studying for the subjects and get things done. I also know I'd get really tired from exercising and working at the same time. But, in order NOT to regret after I graduate, I thought I should take this risk and so try out for the team.
Actually, I'm not taking 100% risk. If I was, I should actually try out for the team and travel with the team for the SAISA tournament. But, I thought that'd be too much for me to handle. I have an exprience how hard it was to catch up the classes in physics, chemistry and math HL after track and field from last year. (It was worse since I had MUN, Track&Field and Geo Field Trip after one another.) SO this time, I'm only coming for the practices to practice with the team. So 'not traveling' would be my insurance. Playing in the team helps me improve more and also build up stronger relationship with other players.
My initial goal would be to improve in team-playing since I never played in the team before and also to get to know better and familiar with the new students or younger students who try out for the team.
We had the first practice on Tuesday afterschool(4th of Oct. 2010). Around 13 players showed up. After we had a good warm up, we went through several drills to learn and improve in our fundamentals such as stance, pass, defence and offence tactics. Then we mostly worked on our fitness sprinting the court several times.
It was tiring and hard, in fact. I thought, just for a sec, 'why did I even try out for the team?' but soon enough 'Yes. It was good to come for the practices.' I felt refreshed even though it was little tiring. We have a morning session on Wednesday as well and the first cut on Friday. So Friday would be the last day for me IF the coach doesn't allow me to come over and practice with them.
I have an alternative to play with them though. Coach, Mr.Snyder, was thinking of having Saturday play a match with other teams. Since I also play for the Korean team ven though it's not really a proper 'team'(it's meant to be for fun, also it's hard to bring all the players together and play since all are in different schools and so, it really depends on the day where we are all free) But I will still TRY to organise or help organise some games between OSC and the Korean team.
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 5:54 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Saturday Basketball(Canceled)
About a month ago, I had the health check at the hospital, and somthing went wrong that I had to take it again on Saturday. So from the morning, I went to the hospital to check what was wrong. It turned out to be there was mistaken about the result, so I am perfectly healthy. I had lunch, then I came back home. It was around 2:30 - 3:00, while basketball has already started.
I really wanted to go and play, but then I thought I'd only play for 30 minutes or so, and also I was tired from playing football on last Friday. So I decided to stay at home instead recover from the fatigue.
Also I'm writing SAT on the coming 9th of October, so I decided to sit and study for the test :S
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 5:59 AM 0 comments
Friday Afterschool Football
On Friday afterschool(1st of October), we had the last session of Friday Afterschool in Block 1. From Monday, the second Block of the afterschool activities start and I will probably sign up for the football again.
We played a game on Friday after we chose the teams, and the team I was belonging to won AGAIN. The team I ever belonged to never lost, in fact, and I started wondering why :P:P
It was a fun game, it ended up 6:1 or 2, not much difference. The fact that my team won is important :D
I'm looking forward to playing for the second block!
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 5:55 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Writing and Composing Music
I've finished writing the Bridge for the song that Adrian composed last time. In fact, I finished it a while ago, but I've been busy with my Extended Essay and other assessments, so couldn't update it on my blog.
So the lyrics for the Bridge goes:
Let's give them love and a hug
Don't let them live in the muddy slum
It's time to throw the bloody guns
Don't blow it away like a chewy chewing gum
Because there's still brighness in their eyes
Look at the stars, and no more scars
We will soon record the whole song PROPERLY and decide whether to perform it or not, or when to do so. At the moment, we are also practicing for the band performance for the assembly, so we are not sure if we are going to perform it SOON :P
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 9:16 AM 0 comments
Prison Babies
Thursday, 30th od Sep. we visited the prison for the first time of the year !
This was planned to be done last week, however, it was canceled in the last minute due to the rain. It also rained today, but fortunately, it stopped at lunch ! so we could visit them.
This was the first time for many of the students from OSC who joined this project only this year, so I think this was meaningful !
We painted with the children there, they seemed to feel much comfortalbe in the prison with their moms ! No one cried !
It was really a good opportunity for us to get familiar with the children and also to attract and move mothers' mind, who are yet not sending their children, to send them to us every Thursday !
for more information:
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 9:09 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 27, 2010
Saturday Basketball
I actually thought I'd rather not play for last week(Saturday, 25th of Sep. 2010) because I was too tired from playing football on Friday. BUT then, my sneaky Korean friends somehow convinced me and brought me to the court. and I played several matches at OSC.
There were not so many people compared to the week before; there were more Koreans came this time, but not so many from the American Embassy and none from the local school teams.
It was still fun and a lot of exercises.
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 1:02 AM 0 comments
Friday Afterschool Football
Because of the weather, 'officially' the afterschool activity was canceled last Friday(24th of Sep, 2010), however, Adrien, Sasha and I were eager to play a match even in the rain; we actually thought it'd be more fun to play in the rain :P and also, the next day OSC boys football team was to play Lanka Lions(one of the best local football teams), so we thought it'd be a good practice if we play.
Anyway, we were enthusiastic about playing a match and gathered players afterschool and we played. We first decided to play a half-match(for around 30 mins) but then everyone really got excited about playing and winning the game that we played till 3:50.
It was fun, a little tiring though.
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 12:56 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Saturday Basketball(Canceled)
Like I have mentioned earlier, I started coming to play basketball on Saturday rather than Sunday Church Basketball since I moved my house; the place where I used to paly basketball on Sunday is a little far from where I live now, so I decided to play for Saturday only.
But then, I was too tired from the school sports day on Thursday and Afterschool football on Friday, and I decided not to go play for this Saturday. I needed some rest, I thought.
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 11:05 PM 0 comments
Friday Afterschool Football
After the sports day, I realised that I have signed up for the friday afterschool football :S My whole body was soar in fact from the day before, and also I caught the cold my condition was evn worse.
But I still played. Couldn't resist, more likely. I always have to exercise more if I get sick, then I feel better. So I thought it'd be good if I play and get sweat. So I played football afterschool.
Like before, it ended around 3:45 PM, lasted around one hour. It didn't feel so long, which means it was fun :) BESIDES, this time the team I'm belonging to won ;) so it was like a payback from the sports day.
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 10:59 PM 0 comments
School Sports Day
On Thursday(17th of September, 2010), like I wrote earlier, we had an Inter-house sports day at school.
Again like I said earlier, I participated in playing football and basktball: in three football matches and four basketball matches. In fact, my 'secret' goal, even though it was jut a little part, was to win the matches of course and so to contribute something to the Yellow house in placing at the end. HOWEVER, it didn't really work out so well. We didn't win so many games in fact, we have more lost actually :(
NOT because we were 'bad' but we were just a little unlucky :P It's not an excuse, but then the football field was too slippery in the morning due to the dew, I believe. Especially, the field that we were scoring at was in the shade, it was even worse. In basketbal, other houses were lacking of the players that they 'illegally' scouted some good players from other grades. So the Yellow house who played fairly without any violations :P couldn't win as many games as we should. :P:P
The same thing happened in the swimming events, so FINALLY Yellow house came third, out of four houses :P
WELL winning was just a little part of my secret goal, and it didn't really matter if we won or not. It'd have been bettter of course, but it's still ok because I still have achieved my main goal which was to have fun and interact with other people.
It was a challenge for me to play basketball actually, since we had enough football players, but not so many basketball players. In fact, I was the only one who actually plays basketball for leisure or during lunch or my free. So I felt A LOT OF pressure around me to play ball and to cheer up all my memeber players at the same time. They were a little intimidated, I must say, because most of them never played basketball or so. I believe, we still did a great job; no fouls, no violations and no injuries.
It was a fun day, indeed, though a little tiring as well. As the matter of the fact that this would be my LAST sports day in high school ever, it'll be unforgettable.
during the football match, calling out 'foul'(Ayla, Tara, Me and Paul from the left)
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 10:38 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
School Sports Day
So tomorrow is a school sports day. I have signed up for and to participate in playing basketball and football for the Yellow house where I belong to.
Today, right after the school assembly, each house gathered around and decided who's going to play what. In fact, we were lacking of players since it's going to be inter-grade verses, which means it's still an interhouse competition within the same grade; so grade 11 yellow against grade 11 blue while grade 10&12 yellow vs. grade 10&12 red.
Grade 10&12 Yellow house, where I'm belonging to, was lacking of boys :S I was the only grade 12 boy who'd play since Ichiro Dohi, also a grade 12, will be taking photos for the Yearbook that he can't play and Rajindh is not willing to come and support the Yellow house.
ANYWAY, good luck to the Yellow house tomorrow. It's going to be a long long tiring day, and fun. :D
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 9:03 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Saturday Basketball
I again went to school to play basketball. Today, not many Koreans have come since all of them went on the church trip while my brother and I didn't due to a lot of works. Then to take a break from working, I went to play basketball at 2:30 PM.
We first had nine people came, so we splited ourselves into two, and had a match. Then three of local students, who have also come for the earlier practice, joined later. So we played five on five.
It was fun, maybe too fun that I felt the time just flew. It ended early actually around 3:30 - 4:00.
BUT then I had to wait for my brother to finish with his football. I knew this would happen from last time, so I again came prepared with my football gears ;)
I played the another match with them. OH this time, football match :P
We played for about two hours with one water break. Then, during the second half, one of the parents banged his head with other player's head, that he got a huge cut and started sheding a lot of blood :S
We stopped for a while, he said he was fine, but he didn't seem so fine. So he went to the hospital to get some stitches, and we started the game again.
Other than that, it was fun too!
It's been a while that I exercised 'properly' like this after about two weeks. I felt it was good. I will probably come for next time as well.
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 6:02 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 6, 2010
Band Performance at the Assembly
Filippo Stopponi('11), Adrian Raguin('11), Camie Raguin('12) and I have decided to meet up and practice for several songs to perform at the assembly since like Mr.Coles, the Secondary Principal of the school, has mentioned earlier that school's going to have more performances during the assembly this year.
We thought this would be fun to do and a good practice. For me, for example, I have never played in a band, so I thought this would be a good experience. For Adrian and Filippo, they are in the school band, called 'What Happened?' but then there hasn't been much time to meet up and practice. So they were thirst for some goood music with goood people(like me ? :P)
So, my personal goal would be to learn the bass line of several new songs and so improve my personal skills at the end. Since this would be officially my first time playing in the band, I will need to collaborate with the other band members well, making harmony, not carcophony. To do so I will need to do a lot of practice !
We had the first practice today after school(Monday, 6th Sep, 2010)
So we thought of practicing several songs, having two guitars, Adrian and Skylor who hasn't showed up for the first practice that we had today afterschool today, Drum by Filippo, Vocal Camie and Bass guitar covering by me.
Filippo came up with the several songs to practice, and they are :
- Polygraph, Right now - The Spill Canvas
- Scar Tissue - Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Soul to Squeeze(optional) - Red Hot Chili Peppers
- The Great Escape - Boys like Girls
- Higher - Creed
However, since Skylor didn't show up today, we ended up practicing one song from the list we've got and a new one, called Sitting, Waiting and Wishing by Jack Johnson. It went pretty well, I must say, and we decided to perform at the next week Assembly. We will still need some practice, but another two or three would be enough. :D
looking forward to this
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 6:57 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 4, 2010
After School Activity, Friday Football
From this year, school has decided to have more after school activities so that the students can get involved in them more actively. I, in fact, decided not to sign up for any this term or next, since I thought I'd have a lot of works to do.
HOWEVER, my brother has signed up for the Friday After School Football and so I had to wait for this this week(Friday, 3rd Sep. 2010). I could have gone home by myself, but then, there's something in me holding me back from just going home.
I first watched them play, and thought 'it looks fun,' and I couldn't resist playing with them. So I asked Ms.Wolf, who is in charge of the after school activities, if I can play or not. She told me that 'I can' only if I have signed up for it. I haven't, unfortunately, like I mentioned earlier.
BUT THEN.... there was one less player on one team, who seems to be losing because of the lacking number of players ! I asked her again, very gently. She was stubborn, and said I should have signed up for it, which means if I sign up for it, I will have to show up for every Friday after school. I hesitated, because I thought I may not have much time for it later when I get a lot of schoolworks.
First half was over, by then. I couldn't waste any more time, because that means it'd be less time for me to play and have fun. It only lasts for an hour, from 2:40 to 3:40. I thought it'd be ok. I decided to sign up for it! finally. :P
SO I played the second half. IT WAS FUN. Indeed. and believe it or not, as soon as I joined, my team, who was losing in the first half, started winning ;) I wonder why :P:P
Since I decided to join, I will set an aim for this term.
In fact, this is meant to be for fun. I'm not planning to try out for SAISA boy's football team or play for any team. It's rather to have a time off from hard working. Besides, since I have put on some weights, which is a bit of problem I thought, I will do this to keep me fit :)
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 10:19 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 3, 2010
Prison Babies
Prison Babies started again ! after about three weeks since school started.
So yeterday (Thursday 2nd Sep. 2010), we had the first meeting to discuss what we are going to do and how we are going to do them this year.
6 students have shown up, and as I know we have 7 in total. It looks good enough to me, since there are around 5-6 children coming to our school, in average. If we get to visit them, there are more, but 7 students are reasonable, I thought.
My this term's goal would be, as an ex-leader and as a friend and as an assitance, to help Maheshi who's just begun to leading this project, to plan and organise better even though I'm no better than her.
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 4:16 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Saturday Basketball
After a long time, I played basketball PROPERLY in a team. I have been playing basketball at every lunch period since school starts, but that wasn't much an exercise.
Then, yesterday(Saturday, 28th of August, 2010) I played several proper matches with others at OSC. My Korean friends who come for the Sunday Church Basketball, people from American Embassy, and our school students have been playing basketball every Saturday, they started playing again since two weeks ago.
So this time, I joined. There were many new faces this time, from the local school( can't remember the names).
So we splited ourselves in three teams, and played several matches. I was with the Sri Lankans, (and they were good. one of them apparently plays for the SL national basketball team.)
It was a lot of exercise after a while, and fun :D It ends pretty earlier than I thought; around 4-5 ish, or I just felt it was too short :P
Then, since my brother plays football every Saturday at OSC with the primary students and the parents, I had to wait for my brother.
In fact, I played for a bit as well ! since I brought my football shoes just in case the basketball session ends early, which my little prediction was right. It was fun :D with the little children, it wasn't much of exercise. It was rather doing a service for them. It was still FUN :D:D
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 12:10 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Music composing and writing the lyrics
Adrian Raguin, one of my friends in my grade at OSC, has composed a song and asked me if I can rap to his song. He and his sister, Camie Raguin, currently in 11th grade doing IB at school, have been working together on several songs and for this one, she sings for the chorus.
So I have written the lyrics for my rap part, 3 verses, and we have recorded the song as a rough trial. It didn't sound so bad, but it's not complete version so we will have to record it again properly.
At the moment, we have intro, two choruses and three verses; it goes from intro, verse 1, chorus, verse 2, and to verse 3 with the chorus. We need a bridge after verse three, but we haven't thought about how it'd go yet; haven't written the lyrics for the bridge yet either.
We showed it to Ms.Lilani and Ms.Fernando in Eng B class. Ms.Fernando liked it, and now she wants us to perform this for the charity concert organised by the Cancer Hospital, school's one of the community service projects, and for the students at the assembly. and she even wants us to do our Eng. B orals on this; discussing how we made this, why we made this and so on.
Adrian and I haven't thought about it that far yet since we haven't even finished the song yet. We will first get everything sorted out, and then decide what to do next.
This is what we've got so far:
Do we learn math to add the dead's sum?
Subtract the weak ones, count cash for great ones
Do we multiply, divide the nations
Break down like fractions, send our sons away to die
Do we learn science in defiance of faith?
To make alliance with fakes, for an appliance's sake
We ask for the real, but make artificial intelligence
To make smarter kills of others' presidents ah
Do we learn to read to receive the lies?
To deceive the eyes from seeing between the lines
We use words to bring forth sticks and stones
To sing psamls of hate that fill the street with bones
It's for the children of the world
The one that lives in the rubble
The third war kid in the battle alone at war
But love always remains
Peace is the dream of all
Freedom isn't a wall
This is for the children of the world
Who run for lives and die for five cents
This vibes, do you also feel then?
Hi-fives, with your both hands, in
Total ten, flowers still bloomin'
In this desecent world, we're livin' in
Never let their hopes down, send them ropes down
Bring them all up high to the top on us
Their rough hands from working like ants
Will never be the shame, but the great fame
Real winners in this game, like my rhymes
They do shine, so remember the names
This will never be the same
Put the smiles on their scar-faces
We're entering on a new phase with the new face
Another car crash shouldn't be the case
Little pause, take a while to think about
This cause and consequnces
Hear them shout in the haunted house
Listen to what cry for and scream about
No one knows how it'd go
Though we do know where to go
We shall be their Santa Claus and say ho ho ho
* need to do
We also tried to record it, just as a trial. It doesn't sound so bad, but we will have to record it again.
Posted by Young jun SONG(송영준) at 6:04 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 7, 2010
2010 Dangsandong Church Mission Trip
It was harder than the year before when I first participated in this mission trip. Language was the first one; we have learnt basic Singhala to communicate with the children in the vilage. It's been absolutely no problem till last year because we only went to the Singhalese vilage and one Tamil area, Hatton. HOWEVER, since we visited more Tamil areas this time, language was the hardest part.
Also, since we had to travel further up to north in Sri Lanka, literally we LIVED in the bus in most time. Besides, we had to prepare for the session early in the morning around 7:30 and then the session starts at 9:00. We do many activities we have prepared, which we called the Education Center, where we teach the love of God and what He did for us by four different fun activities; two were games and another two were basically making cards and the cross. We have lunch at 1:00 PM through 2:00 PM. Then next session starts. From this session, we basically socialize with the children by many different games, which is a HUGE exercise since we have to play with the children but at the same time we have to make the game get going. So the fatigue was another problem. Everyone who came never complained or frowned, but we smiled and laughed all the time because this was indeed a fun trip with many good people.
The performances also went really well as well: two dances organised by us (Teenagers For Christ(TFC)) and several songs prepared by the Dansandong Church team. Children really liked them, I supose; children were clapping while we were dancing and I believe this was in response to our performances and also they were trying to learn the song and finally singing along with us.
This was indeed an excellent and a successful trip, I'd say. This was somewhat sad as well since this would be my last mission trip with the Dansandong Church since I will be graduated by the time next year and I won't be in Sri Lanka by then. I'm thinking I could do better or I could work harder, but I feel like I didn't and so this remains a little regretful to me. I will never be able to forget the smiles on children's faces. I wish I can contact with the team personally later and come on to this trip again one day.